UUP dump

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Release type Description Architectures
Latest Public Release build
Latest updated build for regular users. x64 arm64
Latest Release Preview build
Reliable builds for previewing the next release.
Ideal for trying out upcoming releases.
x64 arm64
Latest Beta Channel build
Reliable builds with most upcoming features available.
Ideal for early adopters.
x64 arm64
Latest Dev Channel build
Somewhat unreliable builds with new ideas and long lead features.
Ideal for enthusiasts.
x64 arm64
Latest Canary Channel build
Somewhat unstable builds with latest platform changes and early features.
Ideal for highly technical users.
x64 arm64
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Recently added builds

Build Architecture Date added
Windows 11 Insider Preview 27764.1000 (rs_prerelease) amd64 x64 2024-12-11 18:00:13 UTC
Windows 11 Insider Preview 27764.1000 (rs_prerelease) arm64 arm64 2024-12-11 18:00:09 UTC
Windows Server, version 23H2 (25398.1308) amd64 x64 2024-12-10 18:17:03 UTC
Windows 11, version 24H2 (26100.2528) amd64 x64 2024-12-10 18:05:51 UTC
Windows 11, version 24H2 (26100.2528) arm64 arm64 2024-12-10 18:05:37 UTC
Cumulative Update for Cloud PC Insider Preview (10.0.26100.2605) amd64 x64 2024-12-10 18:02:37 UTC
Cumulative Update for Cloud PC Insider Preview (10.0.26100.2605) arm64 arm64 2024-12-10 18:02:37 UTC
Feature update to Microsoft server operating system, version 21H2 (20348.2966) amd64 x64 2024-12-10 18:02:24 UTC
Cumulative Update for Microsoft server operating system version 24H2 (26100.2605) amd64 x64 2024-12-10 18:01:49 UTC
Cumulative Update for Microsoft server operating system version 24H2 (26100.2605) arm64 arm64 2024-12-10 18:01:47 UTC
Feature update to Azure Stack HCI, version 22H2 (20349.2966) amd64 x64 2024-12-10 18:01:46 UTC
Feature update to Azure Stack HCI, version 23H2 (25398.1308) amd64 x64 2024-12-10 18:01:41 UTC
Feature update to Windows 10, version 1809 (17763.6659) amd64 x64 2024-12-10 18:01:36 UTC
Feature update to Windows 10, version 1809 (17763.6659) x86 x86 2024-12-10 18:01:35 UTC
Feature update to Windows 10, version 21H2 (19044.5247) x86 x86 2024-12-10 18:01:31 UTC